Oxalis spiralis ssp. vulcanicola ‘Sunset Velvet’
Family: Oxalidaceae
Common names: SHAMROCK, SORREL
Synonyms: Oxalis siliquosa, Oxalis vulcanicola
Native to: South Africa
Type: perennial
Forms: clumping, dense form, rosette, spreading
Leaves evergreen
Max height: 1 feet
Max width: 2.3 feet
Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, specific butterfly species
Plant features: evergreen
Exposure: sun
Landscape use: container
Propagates by: seed
flowers in fall
flowers in summer
Soil type: well drained
USDA Zones: zone 9 to +20 f, zone 10 to +30 f, zone 11 to +40 f
Temp. range: +20 to above +40 °F
Water: regular
Butterflies that feed on this plant
There are 545 species of Oxalis, or SHAMROCK, an Oxalidaceae. Many are cultivated and grow in Zones 7 11. They prefer regular watering. The flowering season varies and their height ranges from less than ½ foot to nearly 1½ feet tall. Some SHAMROCK is deciduous while others are evergreen. Some species create a naturalized patch – invasive by some gardening standards.
Pholisora catullus, COMMON SOOTYWING, comes to Oxalis to feed.
This plant can be grown in a container and will attract and feed adult butterflies. These plant can be found in every height range – from tiny to large – from less than a foot high to over 10 feet tall.
Our database of nectar plants for all US butterflies contains over 10,000 entries. The top five nectar plants -- Cirsium, Lantana, Asclepias, Salvia, and Verbena -- will appeal to 90% of all US butterflies. Pick from these if you want to provide nectar for your local butterflies.
Once you start with these, you can add from another 630 genera in 110 plant families to attract more insects to your garden.
By far the most import butterfly nectar plant family is Asteraceae. If you grow plants in from this family, butterflies will find your garden.