Butterflies in Mind -- Zinnia
Susan C. Dunlap
A collection of 50 images as if seen from a butterfly’s point of view. Includes the names of native Zinnia species and the most complete list of US butterflies that will feed on Zinnia blossoms.
Butterflies in Mind -- Asclepias
Susan C. Dunlap
“Milkweed is the single most important plant for Monarch butterflies. This lavishly illustrated book contains details about the structure and cultivation of native Milkweeds, information about the 139 nectar-feeding butterflies they...
Butterflies in Mind -- Monarch
Susan C. Dunlap
This abundantly illustrated volume enables you to select from a complete list of well described perennial nectar plants that are known to attract & feed Monarch butterflies. Over 40 genera are described that are suitable to be grown...
Butterflies in Mind -- Perennials
Susan C. Dunlap
Butterflies in Mind - Perennials. This book is a definitive guide to perennial nectar plants preferred by US butterflies. It empowers you to feed, attract, support (and help identify) nectar-feeding butterflies that reside in the US....

(sold as Moncliff)

Family: Nyctaginaceae

Native to: Subtropical South America, Tropical South America

Sentiment: passion


Type: vine

Form: spreading

Leaves evergreen

Max height: 0.00 feet

Max width: 32.8 feet





new growth distinct


Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, specific butterfly species

Plant features: evergreen, growth rate fast

Exposure: light shade, sun

Landscape uses: arbor, container, ground cover, trellis or espalier

Fast growing

Propagates by: cutting

flowers in summer

Soil type: wide range

USDA Zones: zone 9 to +20 f, zone 10 to +30 f

Temp. range: +30 to above +40 °F

Water: moderate, regular

Butterflies that feed on this plant

Bougainvillea 'Moncliff' is a yellow-flowering plant. Bougainvillea is generally given support, typically provided with a large trellis or something else for it to climb. It is covered in blossoms during late spring and summer and really makes quite a colorful display.

Butterflies have been sighted feeding on red-flowering variants of this plant. Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae) seem to prefer red-blooming Bougainvillea over the yellow-blooming cultivars. We have them growing side-by-side. The color of these flowers is indeed stunning and the plant would be a real asset to any yellow-centric garden.

Bougainvillea is a woody, climbing vine that produces thorns and usually blooms in summer. It grows well in Zone 9 and Zone 10. Normally Bougainvillea are treated as a vine and given support, even if that support is a nearby bush. Two novel treatments are worth a try: grow in a container as a topiary specimen or grow as a ground cover. As a container plant it can be positioned on a patio. If trimmed aggressively during the growing season it will both maintain a compact shape and be covered with a riot of blossoms in whatever shade you have selected. As a ground cover it may die back in a frost; perhaps plant in a protected spot or grow in a semi-tropical zone.

Bougainvillea cultivars abound as do the assortment of flower colors. Select a plant when in bloom if you are looking for a specific shade, as cultivar names are numerous and might even be confusing, as some of the names have not been registered. Unregistered plants may produce unreliable blooms.

This is what we know:
Bougainvillea 'James Walker' is slightly pinker than Bougainvillea 'Barbara Karst', and Bougainvillea spectabilis is a bit bluer than either of those. (That said, Bougainvillea spectabilis may come in a variety of colors - reddish-magenta to a blueish-magenta.) Bougainvillea 'Monio' is redder than the others. Bougainvillea buttiana comes in several shades including yellow. Bougainvillea with variegated leaves are also available. Try Bougainvillea buttiana 'Raspberry Ice'

Container plants that attract adult butterflies - vine

This plant is one of 25 vines suitable to grow in a container that can attract adult butterflies.

They can be found in large, medium-large and tiny heights - from less than a foot long to over 10 feet tall.

None are drought tolerant, as most of prefer moderate or regular watering. 7 are deciduous,19 are evergreen. Some can grow in Zones 3 and Zone 4, while the others grow in Zones 5-11. 23 can be grown in Zone 9.

Most vines are prostrate, so we set their height to "0" while registering the plant's potential length in the width category.