Lantana camara
(sold as Landmark Pink Dawn)
Family: Verbenaceae
Common name: SHRUB VERBENA
Native to: Tropical America
Sentiment: rigor
Type: shrub
Forms: clumping, mounding, spreading
Leaves evergreen
Max height: 1.75 feet
Max width: 2 feet
pink, secondary color present
Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, hummingbird, specific butterfly species
Plant part consumed by birds: nectar
Plant features: evergreen, invasive
Exposure: sun
Landscape uses: ground cover, hedge or edging
Propagates by: seed
flowers year round
Soil type: wide range
USDA Zone: zone 10 to +30 f
Temp. range: +30 to +40 °F
Water: moderate
Butterflies that feed on this plant
Lantana is a member of the Verbenaceae family that contains 133 species. Two Lantanas are commonly cultivated – L. camara and L. montevidensis. Lantana camara is invasive in fifty countries and has established itself as a toxic weed in many areas of the world. Birds and other wildlife disperse the seeds. Wikipedia has a lot to say about this. L. montevidensis is invasive as well, in two countries. Both of these plants are commonly cultivated.
It is possible, but unlikely, that cultivars of these plants are less vigorous. Perhaps growers can produce plants that are sterile, but, doing so may dilute the nectar production as well. Some plants deserve our support - perhaps this is not one of them.
Lantana attracts seventy-five butterflies for feeding. We invite you to find other plants, listed in this database, favored by the butterflies listed here.