Lantana montevidensis
(sold as Confetti)

Family: Verbenaceae


Synonym: Lantana sellowiana

Native to: South America

Sentiment: rigor


Types: perennial, shrub

Forms: clumping, mounding, open form, spreading

Leaves evergreen

Max height: 1.5 feet

Max width: 3.3 feet


secondary color present, yellow




Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, hummingbird, specific butterfly species

Plant part consumed by birds: nectar

Plant features: evergreen, invasive

Exposure: sun

Landscape uses: container, ground cover, hedge or edging


Propagates by: seed

flowers year round

Soil type: wide range

USDA Zone: zone 10 to +30 f

Temp. range: +30 to +40 °F

Water: moderate

Butterflies that feed on this plant

Abaeis nicippe

Achalarus albociliatus

Achalarus lyciades

Achalarus toxeus

Achlyodes pallida

Achlyodes thraso

Agraulis vanillae

Aguna asander

Aguna claxon

Aguna metophis

Anartia fatima

Anartia jatrophae

Anastrus sempiternus

Anteos clorinde

Anteos maerula

Anthanassa argentea

Anthanassa texana

Anthocharis sara

Antigonus emorsa

Aphrissa statira

Apodemia palmeri

Apodemia virgulti

Ascia monuste

Asterocampa celtis

Asterocampa clyton

Asterocampa leilia

Astraptes alector

Astraptes anaphus

Astraptes fulgerator

Atalopedes campestris

Atrytone deleware

Atrytonopsis edwardsi

Autochton cincta

Battus philenor

Battus polydamas

Biblis hyperia

Burnsius communis

Cabares potrillo

Caicella calchas

Calephelis nemesis

Caria ino

Carrhenes canescens

Catasticta nimbice

Cercyonis pegala

Chioides catillus

Chioides zilpa

Chlosyne janais

Chlosyne lacinia

Codatractus arizonensis

Cogia hippalus

Colias eurytheme

Colias philodice

Copaeodes aurantiaca

Cupido comyntas

Cyanophrys longula

Cymaenes odilia subsp. trebius

Cymaenes tripunctus

Danaus eresimus

Danaus gilippus

Danaus plexippus

Dione moneta

Dircenna klugii

Doxocopa pavon

Dryadula phaetusa

Dryas iulia

Dynamine dyonis

Dynamine postverta

Echinargus isola

Epargyreus clarus

Ephyriades brunnea

Erynnis funeralis

Erynnis horatius

Erynnis juvenalis

Erynnis persius

Erynnis tristis

Eueides isabella

Euphyes arpa

Euphyes bayensis

Euphyes pilatka

Euptoieta claudia

Euptoieta hegesia

Eurema lisa

Eurema mexicana

Ganyra josephina

Gesta gesta subsp. invisus

Glutophrissa drusilla

Greta morgane

Heliconius melpomene

Heliopetes arsalte

Heliopetes ericetorum

Heliopetes laviana

Heliopetes macaira

Hesperia comma

Hylephila phyleus

Hypolimnas misippus

Icaricia icarioides

Itaballia demophile

Junonia coenia

Junonia evarete

Kricogonia lyside

Lasaia sula

Leptotes marina

Lerema accius

Lerodea arabus

Lerodea eufala

Libytheana carinenta

Lon melane

Lon zabulon

Marpesia eleuchea

Marpesia petreus

Mastor aesculapius

Mastor carolina

Mastor celia

Mastor celia subsp. belli

Mastor elissa

Mastor exoteria

Mastor fimbriata

Mastor nysa

Mastor tolteca

Melanis pixe

Melete lycimnia

Mellana eulogius

Mestra amymone

Murgaria albociliatus

Nastra julia

Nymphalis antiopa

Oligoria maculata

Panoquina fusina subsp. evansi

Panoquina ocola

Papilio anchisiades

Papilio andraemon

Papilio astyalus

Papilio cresphontes

Papilio eurymedon

Papilio indra

Papilio machaon

Papilio multicaudata

Papilio ornythion

Papilio polyxenes

Papilio rutulus

Papilio thoas

Papilio troilus

Papilio victorinus

Papilio xuthus

Papilio zelicaon

Parrhasius m-album

Pellicia costimacula subsp. arina

Phocides polybius

Phoebis agarithe

Phoebis neocypris

Phoebis philea

Phoebis sennae

Pieris rapae

Plebejus acmon

Poanes viator

Polites sabuleti

Polites vibex

Polygonia interrogationis

Polygonus leo

Pompeius verna

Pontia protodice

Protographium marcellus

Pyrgus communis

Pyrgus oileus

Pyrisitia lisa

Pyrisitia proterpia

Speyeria cybele

Staphylus mazans

Staphylus mazans subsp. hayhurstii

Strymon alea

Strymon bazochii

Synapte malitiosa

Systasea pulverulenta

Systasea zampa

Thecla herodotus

Thecla maesites

Thecla strophius

Thessalia theona

Thorybes pylades

Timochares ruptifasciata

Tmolus echion

Turesis lucas

Urbanus doryssus

Urbanus esmeraldus

Urbanus procne

Urbanus pronus

Urbanus proteus

Urbanus simplicius

Urbanus teleus

Vanessa annabella

Vanessa atalanta

Vanessa cardui

Yvretta carus

Zerene cesonia

Lantana is a member of the Verbenaceae family that contains 133 species. Two Lantanas are commonly cultivated – L. camara and L. montevidensis.

194 US butterflies will nectar on Lantana, making it one of the most favored nectar plants in the plant kingdom. It can be grown in Zones 8.9.10.and 11. Lantana camara can be grown in Zones 6,7,8,9.

Container plants that attract adult butterflies - perennial

This plant can be grown in a container and will attract and feed adult butterflies. These plant can be found in every height range – from tiny to large – from less than a foot high to over 10 feet tall.

Our database of nectar plants for all US butterflies contains over 10,000 entries. The top five nectar plants -- Cirsium, Lantana, Asclepias, Salvia, and Verbena -- will appeal to 90% of all US butterflies. Pick from these if you want to provide nectar for your local butterflies.

Once you start with these, you can add from another 630 genera in 110 plant families to attract more insects to your garden.

By far the most import butterfly nectar plant family is Asteraceae. If you grow plants in from this family, butterflies will find your garden.

Container plants that attract adult butterflies - shrubs

This plant is one of 52 shrubs suitable to grow in a container that will attract adult butterflies. 17 of these plants attract birds and 29 attract specific butterfly species. They can be found in large, medium-large and tiny heights - from less than a foot high to over 10 feet tall. 10 of these shrubs are drought tolerant, the others prefer either dry, moderate, or regular watering. 2 are deciduous, while 43 are evergreen. One can grow in Zone 3 while the others grow in Zones 4-11. 39 shrubs that attract butterflies and can be grown in containers in Zone 9. 6 are known to be used as cut flowers. They are available in every flower color.

You are free to use any filter, including those listed above, to reduce the plant list further to better match your planting needs.

There are 1230 shrubs in this database - 52 of these shrubs can attract adult butterflies and be grown in a container. The size of many shrubs can be manipulated without harm to the plant. The shrub may in fact respond favorable to being pruned.

We have found that, when given a choice, butterflies and bees seem to frequent named species more often than cultivars. You may want to keep this in mind when you select plants for your garden if your goal is to attract and support these insects.