Salvia fruticosa
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: SAGE
Native to: Canary Island, Northern Africa To Middle East
Type: shrub
Forms: clumping, erect
Leaves evergreen
Max height: 3.3 feet
Max width: 2.75 feet
magenta/purple, pink, white/off white
green, light
Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, hummingbird, specific butterfly species
Plant part consumed by birds: nectar
Plant features: evergreen
Exposure: light shade, sun
Propagates by: seed
flowers in spring
flowers in summer
Soil type: well drained
USDA Zones: zone 8 to +10 f, zone 9 to +20 f, zone 10 to +30 f
Temp. range: +10 to +40 °F
Water: moist, regular
Butterflies that feed on this plant