Abelia x grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’
Family: Caprifoliaceae
Native to: China
Type: shrub
Forms: arching, erect, open form
Leaves evergreen
Max height: 3 feet
Max width: 4.5 feet
white/off white
green, secondary color present
new growth distinct
Attracts wildlife: adult butterfly, bee, specific butterfly species
Plant features: evergreen
Exposure: part shade, sun
Landscape uses: deer resistant, hedge or edging
Propagates by: cutting
flowers in fall
flowers in summer
Soil type: loam
USDA Zones: zone 7 to 0 f, zone 8 to +10 f, zone 9 to +20 f
Temp. range: 0 to +30 °F
Water: drought tolerant, regular