Wallengrenia otho
Common name: Southern Broken-Dash
Feeds on these plants:
Ageratum houstonianum
(sold as Hawaii Blue)
Buddleja davidii ‘Pink Delight’
Buddleja davidii
(sold as dwarf)
Buddleja weyeriana 'honeycomb'
Cirsium altissimum
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium arvense
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium hilli
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium muticum
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium nuttalii
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium occidentale
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium species
(sold as Thistle)
Cirsium vulgare
(sold as Thistle)
Duranta erecta
(sold as Variegata)
Oenothera speciosa
(sold as Siskiyou)
(sold as Lemon Drop)
Wallengrenia otho, the Southern Broken-Dash, can be found in the South, MidWest, and the Northeast.
Favorite nectar plants include: Chromolaena and Cirsium
USDA Growing Zones for these plants include: 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
Host plants:
Digitaria sanguinalis
Oryza sativa
Saccharum officinarum
Stenotaphrum secundatum
CC by sa 2.0 image courtesy of
Melissa McMasters